Teach Yourself Piano

Learn How to Teach Yourself Piano at Home | Easy Guide for Beginners

When you’re ready to start learning piano, you may not be ready to start taking lessons right away. Here’s how you can start to teach yourself the basics at home. Eager to start learning piano? Start right at home! Learn how to teach yourself piano with these proven tips and tricks.

With 88 keys to memorize and about 45,000 pounds of tension to deal with, playing the piano is no doubt both physical and mental work. All that hard work is worth it though, once the pianist hits those notes and produces beautiful sounds.

That’s not all that makes piano amazing though. According to a study, learning piano can help boost children’s language skills. There’s also the fact that pianists’ brains have a different (and impressive) brain capacity.

So you want to learn how to teach yourself piano, but don’t know where to start.

Fortunately, you only really need 2 things: a piano, and a willingness to learn. You can worry about things like sheet music later.

The following guide will walk you through the learning process of acquiring, familiarizing, and practicing your piano.

How To Teach Yourself Piano in 10 Steps:

Remember that learning any instrument takes a commitment to practicing regularly. So if you’re ready to learn, and committed to practicing a lot, let’s get started!

1. Get A Piano/Find Yourself a Keyboard

How to Choose a Piano or Keyboard » Buying Guide | flowkey

The obvious first step is to acquire a piano for yourself. Set a budget, do your research on different types of pianos, and look online and in your community for deals.

Some things to consider:

Many music stores rent keyboards. If you want to rent before you’re sure the piano/keyboard is right for you, this might be a good place to start.

If any of your friends or family are involved in the music world, reach out. They may know someone dying to sell an old instrument that isn’t getting used for half what it would cost coming out of a box.

If you’re unable to find a piano, a keyboard is a great alternative. They’re affordable, never go out of tune and have lots of sounds and features that can enhance your music. Not to mention, they’re a lot easier to move around and don’t take up much space. A learning keyboard is a great tool for a beginner. These specialty instruments light up in a specific order to help you learn songs more quickly. Typically, they come with books and videos that will help you learn musical notation. You can always start out on a keyboard and then upgrade to a piano.

Keyboards generally cost less than pianos do. On the plus side, keyboards never go out of tune and take up much less space than a piano will. Wherein, acoustic pianos typically range in price from $2,000 to $10,000 or more for some high-quality concert grand pianos.

2. Get Familiar with Your Instrument

Now that you have your piano or keyboard, spend some time getting familiar with it.

To accomplish this task:

Listen to your new piano. Is it in tune? You might consider having someone tune it for you for the first time. If you went with a keyboard, you can skip this step.

Learn about the keys and their names. If your piano came with a book or you chose to buy one, the keys should be in the piano book. If not, this 5-minute tutorial will walk you through an easy way to learn the keys.

Make sure you understand what proper hand posture looks like. Really listen to each of them, and note how they are different from the others. Keep practicing until you can tell the difference between them. You want to form good habits from the beginning!

3. Train Your Arms and Hands with Proper Positioning

The first step on how to teach yourself to play the piano is to ensure your arms and hands maintain the right-hand position. That’s the “C Position,” which is the natural cupped-shape they form when left hanging to your side. You will also be able to read a selection of notes from both the bass and treble clefs, and you will be able to play some simple piano chords in the left hand.

It’s the same position you need to keep when you put your arms and hands on top of the keys. While doing this, ensure your wrist and forearms remain straight.

Play five-finger patterns all over the keyboard, and in many different keys. Use a lot of black keys! First without notes to learn the geography of the keyboard, and then with notes using “landmark notes” to find your way.

It’s crucial to follow the proper hand and finger positioning since it helps prevent repetitive stress injury. Also, we understand that you’d like to learn how to learn piano fast, but know your limits and don’t over-practice.

4. Know Your Notes

Learning piano means learning a new type of language – that of music. It’s much like how you first learned the alphabet, but in this case, it’s noted that you’ll memorize. With constant practice, you’ll have these committed to memory soon enough.

A good way to start is with the Do-Re-Mi tune (yes, the one from The Sound of Music). Each of these represents a note on the piano, starting with note C. It’ll help you get the notes’ pitch while also learning which keys to press on the piano.

  • Do – Note C
  • Re – Note D
  • Mi – Note E
  • Fa – Note F
  • So – Note G
  • La – Note A
  • Ti – Note B

To locate C, look for a pair of black keys (accidentals). Right to their left is C. There are several Cs on the piano, and they’re always eight notes (octave) apart.

F is another keynote to know the placement of by heart at the beginning. It’s the key to the left of a trio of black keys.

Memorizing your Cs and Fs right away makes it easier to memorize the location of the rest of the notes.

5. Familiarize Yourself with Sharps and Flats

The black keys play either sharps (#) or flats (b). They come in either pairs or trios.

When you see a # on a piece, that means you have to play the next higher key. A b, on the other hand, means you need to play the next lower key.

To start, look at the center of the piano. Do you see that group of one pair of blacks and a group of three? That’s where you’ll find the middle C note.

As mentioned above, all Cs appear to the left of two blacks. F to the left of three blacks. So, these ones you find in the middle of your piano are the Middle C and Middle F.

When you press the black key right above and beside the Middle C note, it produces either a C sharp (C#) or a D flat (Db). The black key beside it plays the D# or Eb. As for the black key beside Middle F, it plays F# or Gb.

Do you see the pattern now? Always remember that black keys are always either sharps or flats, but white keys can also play sharps or flats.

6. Set A Practice Goal

Begin with your end goal in mind. You want to learn the piano, but what do you want to play? How long do you want it to take?

What material will you be focusing on? Is that material online or from a book you bought?

What keys or scales do you want to be able to play? What’s your favorite song that did you picture yourself playing when you first started thinking about learning how to teach yourself piano?

What will you be able to play on the piano in seven days? What about 14 or 30? You are just starting to learn how to teach yourself piano, so you probably don’t need goals beyond a month just yet. Focus on the first 30 days!

How long will you practice each day?

7. Start Practicing

The first three parts were leading to the most important step, which is this: Do you really want to learn how to teach yourself piano? Then practice, every day!

Some tips for your practice sessions:

Stick to your goal. If you need a break from the same few scales or chords, try some finger speed exercises.

Practice chords and scales. These will form the foundation of your piano playing, so be sure to do these each day. Start with the major and minor chords!

Learn the major keys. If you want to eventually play by ear and identify the sounds you make, this is important. Easy songs like “Mary Had A Little Lamb” are perfect for this!

As you start playing by ear, also begin noticing patterns. All songs are composed of musical patterns. You’ll want to start identifying and learning these patterns as you work towards your eventual goal of playing songs on the piano.

The internet can be your friend when you’re ready to learn songs. Many sites will allow you to download some of their sheet music for free!

8. Practice Your Fingers

Now that you’ve got your basics down, next is to apply them with your fingers. This way, you can train your fingers to know right away without fumbling. When you are first learning to play the piano, fingering is key. You must know where your fingers are supposed to go when you are starting to play the piano.

A good place to start is the pentascale approach. Pentascales are any scale that has five (Penta) notes. Since you already know by now where the Middle C is, you can begin your finger practice with the C Major pentascale.

To begin, put your thumb on the Middle C note, index on D, middle on E, ring on F, and a pinky on G. Those five notes make up this pentascale.

This is one of the easiest finger practicing techniques since it trains up all your fingers. Now, you want to start slowly, so apply the whole note approach (count four beats before pressing the next key). From here, you can move on to half notes and then quarter notes.

Once you feel more comfortable, you can move up the practice ladder to taking it two notes at a time. That means using two fingers since you’ll press two keys simultaneously. It’s a bit more complex, but it’ll help you prepare for more advanced pieces.

9. Get Your Timing Right

Every note has a count – the length of time you should keep it pressed. In music sheets, you’ll find three most often used, which include the following:

  • Whole notes (with four beats)
  • Half notes (with two beats)
  • Quarter notes (with one beat)

The white circles you see on a music sheet are whole notes. When you see these, it means you have to keep the note for four full beats (as in one-and-two-and-three).

Half notes are also white circles, with a stem attached to them. You hold these notes for two beats (one-and-two).

Quarter notes look much like half notes, except they have shaded circles. They represent one beat.

10. Play With Other People

After some time, it’s a good idea to find other people to practice around or with.

Ask a more experienced piano player if they want to get together and practice, or if they have any resources that helped them learn.

Once you start making progress, do mini “performances” for people, even if it’s your family. They will be able to tell you what sounds great and what could use a little tweaking.

Last, consider taking piano lessons with a piano instructor. An instructor will give you hands-on coaching, accountability for learning the instrument, and teach you how to correct pacing. Plus, if you teach yourself the basics, a piano teacher will help expedite the process to you playing some simple songs you really want to learn!

One good set that many adult beginners have used is the Alfred Self-Teaching Adult Piano Beginner’s Kit.  While you might only want to learn how to play current popular music, a piano teacher might introduce you to other genres such as classical music or jazz music.

Wrap Up

In truth, playing the piano requires only two things: having the instrument readily available to you, and dedication to the practice.

How to teach yourself piano can be summed up like this:

Begin by setting a budget and find the instrument that is right for you. Then, get familiar with your new instrument.

After you read through and watch tutorials on things scales and chords and finger posture, decide what you’d like to learn, and how quickly. Set a goal for your piano playing!

Last, start practicing — every day if you can swing it. To accelerate your learning, set a goal of playing around people after a couple of weeks. Even if it’s family, it will give you feedback on what you’ve learned and motivate you to keep working.

There are also piano courses and google resources through youtube videos and online courses that can help you to learn how to play the piano.

Want more tips for learning how to play the piano? Whether they’re for adult beginner piano learning or for your little ones, you’ll find more useful posts in our blog!

If we can help you on your journey to learning the piano, from buying a new one to working with a piano teacher, don’t hesitate to contact us. Now, start practicing!


Piano Books

The Best Piano Lesson Books for Students and Teachers

Whether you’re a student or a teacher of piano, books are your friends. These are basic piano library lessons books that are perfect no matter where you are on your piano journey.

Having a library of piano lesson books allows you to easy access to make sure you’re getting the most out of your practice sessions. Even the best piano players need to return to the basics to refine and refresh their piano skills. A professional pianist can spend hours a day practicing.

Another benefit of having numerous piano lesson books is being able to use them if you teach yourself. Also, books are easy to store and accessible when you’re ready for practice or performance.

Jump to our specific book recommendations using one of these links:

Before buying piano lesson books, be sure to review the material in the book.

Is it for:

  • Beginners
  • Advanced/intermediate pianist
  • Technique
  • Warm-ups

With so many books out there, here’s a few bound to have permanent places in your piano bench. You can purchase sheet music and books directly from Merriam here.

Top 5 Best Beginner Piano Books to Get You Started

1. Basic Adult All-In-One Course: Lesson-Theory-Technic: Level 1


Basic Adult All-In-One Course: Lesson-Theory-Technic: Level 1

This book’s piano lessons are thoughtfully structured for the beginner student and pianist looking for a refresh alike.

Willard A. Palmer introduces a bit of music theory at the beginning of each lesson in order to set the stage for what’s to come. He then craftily chooses perfect pieces for the theory in the chapter. The pace is great for beginner piano players.

You won’t be disappointed or discouraged when working through this book. Instead, you will find yourself empowered and encouraged.

Palmer makes sure to design his lessons in Adult All-In-One Course: Lesson-Theory-Technic: Level 1 to lift up learners as they gain skill. Progressively, the music will get more difficult while also feeling possible.

There’s a variety of music inside, too. Blues, classical, popular, etc. You’ll never be bored as a student. And the lessons ease you in with variety while getting progressively harder. It’s well designed to increase your skill.

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2. New Classics to Moderns: Book 1

New Classics to Moderns: Book 1

This made the list of best piano books because of its ability to expand your repertoire.

Inside there is a broad music selection of original work. Selected are the best of master composers over the last four centuries.

From Purcell to Mozart, this is one of the best books to learn piano for the eager student wanting to learn several styles.

Cover the last four hundred years of music in a few pages by grabbing this book. You’ll be taken from the classics that started piano to contemporary works shaping modern music.

What’s inside is enjoyable for both the player and the listener alike. It’s unique in its diversity making it a great grab at any time.

This is primarily sheet music. So if you’re looking to learn more theory, other books on the list will be better for you.

3. The Joy of First Year Piano

The Joy of First Year Piano

This is one book in a constantly expanding series of Joy Of… books. In this particular one, Denes Agay guides musicians through a series of piano work sure to increase skill.

The book also comes with audio. Each piece is accompanied by a track boasting a skilled pianist playing the piece.

This series has been chosen by musicians all over the world. They love it for their imaginative choice of material.

It’s also thought of as having consistent settings, a diverse range of music, and a large-format style.

All of these things make it accessible to beginners and advanced players alike.

And this series is constantly growing–making it sure to be a favorite that keeps on giving!

4. Adult Piano Adventures All-In-One Piano Coursebook 1

Adult Piano Adventures All-In-One Piano Coursebook 1

This piano adventures level is a book by Nancy Faber is terrific for beginners.

It breaks musical theory down into small, digestible chunks for the reader. Each lesson teaches enough theory to play a piece with plenty of time to learn before moving on.

This book is a great place to start learning the piano even if you’ve never read music before.

It made the list of best piano books because of this: By the end of this first book in a series, you’ll be proficient at playing some songs with both hands on the piano.

And understanding basic bass and treble staff theory at the very least as a takeaway.

The pacing is perfect for beginners. You won’t feel overwhelmed and you’ll feel competent in each lesson when it’s over.

From kids to seniors, this book gets raving reviews. You’ll definitely want it to be on your shelf.

Faber piano adventures book is perfect for you if you’re starting at square one when it comes to piano.

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5. The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Music Theory

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Music Theory

Don’t let the title embarrass you! Buy a book cover if you have to because this one is definitely worth the read.

This book by Michael Miller takes convoluted musical theories and breaks them down into easily digestible chunks for beginners.

It can be a great complimentary guide to put your piano lessons to good use.

It has key ingredients for success. It’s engaging, simple to follow, and full of content that can help any level of pianist improve their skill.

It’s an excellent choice for the beginner. Miller takes thorny concepts and breaks them down with amazing clarity.

The book is a good read for any musician. Which makes it a solid foundational read for the beginner pianist.

The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Music Theory isn’t for everyone starting to play the piano. If you’re looking to get your hands on the keyboard right away, this isn’t for you.

Pick this book up if you want to go in-depth with musical theory. You will have a deep understanding by the end of the pages.

Top 5 Piano Books for Kids Just Starting to Play

1. Music For Little Mozarts


Music For Little Mozarts

If you’ve got kids aged between 3 and 4 years old, they can start to develop a love for piano even then. They might not be virtuosos but the ability to be able to remember and perform a simple tune on their own might be enough for them.

While you can’t always expect the same kind of attention and focus that you get from older kids, some smaller kids are simply drawn to the keyboard.

With the help of this book, all of the keys on the piano will be color-coded to show them how to navigate the keys. Rather than drawing numbers or letters on your keys, you’ll be able to teach them with the help of this book and its color-coded system.

In level one, they’ll learn about all the keys and basic notation. By level two, they’ll start being able to read sheet music.

There are four levels in total and through lessons and workbooks, they can get into the nitty-gritty of learning the piano. If you’re a parent who wants to teach fun songs to your kids, the Discovery books in this series can be a great help with that.

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2. Alfred’s Prep Course

Alfred's Prep Course

If you’re dealing with kids who are just starting school, Alfred’s Prep Course is a great place to start. Focusing on kids from 4 to 6 years old, these books can go slowly for some kids but might be the perfect place for total beginners.

You’ll be able to give them the basics in a fun way that engages their imagination. With the help of the characters in the books and an interesting illustration style, they can dig into the story as they learn.

There are cool alien characters that most kids are a fan of.

This fairly universal series can underscore lessons learned in Music For Little Mozarts or be a supplement for kids that are getting a start around kindergarten to second grade.

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3. Alfred’s Basic Piano Library

Alfred's Basic Piano Library

Your next move should be to check out the following new release in Alfred’s series. This basic book can start getting students to understand the notation of music and what the concepts mean. Understanding how they fit together provides a useful context for kids who are serious about getting into music.

While they focus on simple and fun tunes like Jingle Bells and Old MacDonald, these books present a lot of information in a simple way. It’s almost deceptively simple how easily kids start to digest intervals, staff reading, flat notes, and sharps.

If you’re looking for a solid foundational book to either start with or to build from an earlier series, this can be a solid primer for what’s to come.

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4. Bastien Piano Basics Primer

Bastien Piano Basics Primer

Bastien has its own method of teaching kids to play the piano. While it might not be the exact method book you would use, they’ve had more than enough success to justify their approach.

If your kids are aging out of the previously mentioned books, it’s time to roll these out. Original piano music is studied under Bastian, with pop and classical getting the most attention.

All the books in this series fall in line with their lessons in music theory and playing technique. Performance is placed on an equal footing with technique and it’s all meant to come together in a logical sequence. With fully illustrated pages and colorful charts, there’s a lot to be attracted to one every page.

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5. Hal Leonard Piano Method

Hal Leonard Piano Method

This first book in the Hal Leonard piano series starts with numbering the keys. If color-coding or teaching the grand staff isn’t working, then it might be time to try Hal Leonard’s method.

By learning about simple rhythmic patterns on both the white and the black keys, kids get practical experience as they learn. They’ll learn the difference between clefs and tonal ranges while also getting a quick primer level on intervals.

With fully illustrated, colorful pages, there’s no way for kids to get lost. They even include illustrations to demonstrate finger placement so that kids can build a strong playing method from day one.

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These are the Best Intermediate/Advanced Level Piano Books

1. The Giant Book of Music


The Giant Book of Music

Schirmer’s Library of Musical Classic is known to everyone that has various books for beginners, intermediate players, and masters, as well. Here is a book for intermediate players, “The Giant Book.”

The book is specially written, keeping the Classical composers in mind with 269 pieces, which is maximum among every other book listed here. The assortment of classical music is perfect, and everyone can play with the help of this book which makes this as the top seller in amazon.

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2. Classics to Moderns for Intermediate Players

Classics to Moderns for Intermediate Players

This book has 115 original piano pieces written by most favorite artists that have been published by the most reputed print music publisher Hal Leonard LLC.

The book is well-tuned in for the sight of the readers to understand. Once you go through this book, you will surely enjoy playing because it has on point notes for classical music and has ample options to look for in it.

3. Easy Piano Classics

Easy Piano Classics

It is the world’s most beautiful classical music book ever with 97 pieces of art for every intermediate player. Even every best composer’s art piece is portrayed with utter ease that makes this the most successful book is also the best seller til’ date.

This book offers high-quality notes and instructions which have a rich selection of compositions and it is remarkably low priced and easy to understand that would guarantee to master you in paying Piano just like a boss.

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4. WunderKeys Intermediate

WunderKeys Intermediate

The book is a full package of deep and soothing music learning and it is jam-packed with a pop-infused piano study for intermediate players.

It is a visually engaging book due to its simple explanations and presentation of the work that works out on some specific keys of C Major, A Major, G Major, E Minor, F Major, and D Minor.

5. John Thompson’s Piano Course for Intermediate Players

John Thompson’s Piano Course for Intermediate Players

The book complies with maturity and peace of mind so that you get a clear picture to learn that had the most reasonable book for every player to learn to play the Piano.

The best part about the book is that it is re-engraved and updated which makes this the right study material for intermediate students with a wonderful mix of classical arrangements.

These are the Best Piano Books For Adults

1. Alfred’s Basic Piano Course Lesson Series


Alfred's Basic Piano Course Lesson Series

The Alfred’s series is popular with students of all ages. In the basic series, the lessons progress in small steps that are easy to follow. The instructions are easy to replicate and follow.

You will learn the names of the piano keys–first white, and then black. This book is one of the most sought after for beginners and a great step toward your education!

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2. Alfred’s Basic Piano Course Theory Series

Alfred's Basic Piano Course Theory Series

This book is created to be an accompaniment to the beginner series, but it can also stand on its own. This book is great if you want to learn more about musical theory, and the inner workings of your piano.

Theory books can be combined with practical ones to make for a more well-rounded education.

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3. Alfred’s Basic Adult Piano Course All-in-One

Alfred's Basic Adult Piano Course All-in-One

Each section of this book covers a piano lesson, musical theory topics, and technical information about music and the piano. This book is one of the most recommended books out there for adults.

You can see why the Alfred book series is so popular for beginners now, right? They’re the perfect addition to your piano learning collection.

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4. Hal Leonard Student Piano Library Book 1

Hal Leonard Student Piano Library Book 1

This workbook is designed so that even the most inexperienced beginner can start creating music from the very start of their studies.

It’s chock-full of simple instructions, illustrations, and even a CD that you can follow along with. This book makes it easy for you to learn how to play right in the comfort of your home.

The book can teach you the basic practical stuff, and a piano teacher can fill in the blanks with musical theory.

5. John Thompson’s Easiest Piano Course

John Thompson's Easiest Piano Course

The name isn’t false advertisings. The lessons in this book are some of the easiest to follow that you will find. Each note in introduced to you one at a time and the lessons are reinforced with colorful illustrations and characters.

This book comes complete with writing and reading assignments for those who learn by doing. It’s a great accompaniment to have while learning from a piano instructor.

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6. Ultimate Beginner’s Series

Ultimate Beginner's Series

Some of these other books on this list are great if you’re new to the piano and are dedicated to learning. They are not good, however, if you learn at a fast pace. You might become annoyed with how slowly these take you through the steps.

The Ultimate Beginner’s Series will save you from that slow pace. This book uses DVD’s and text as a team to get you right in the world of the piano. It can teach you about chords, arpeggios, playing with both hands, even playing by ear.

This book pretty much covers everything you need to know before and after you seek out the help of a piano instructor.

7. Bastien Piano for Adults

Bastien Piano for Adults

This book was made for your special needs in mind. It includes song samples from all different kinds of genres like jazz, blues, ragtime, and classical.

The lessons are more progressive than children’s books as far as music theory goes. In addition to the easy to read text, it also comes with a CD to help you follow along.

This book will also help you with your understanding of tempo and timing. It’s a great book for music theory and practical learning.

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8. Faber Music Piano Aventures

Faber Music Piano Aventures

This book takes a different approach to learn that you might find interesting. This Faber music book encourages you to experiment with the piano peddles in order to understand how they really function.

It’s fueled by lessons that focus on the middle “C” position. You will become more aware of the notes behind the keys thanks to skill exercises and information on musical theory.

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9. The Complete Idiot’s Guide To Musical Theory

The Complete Idiot's Guide To Musical Theory

You might be embarrassed by being seen in public with this book, but there’s no shame in it at all. This book can actually really help you if you’re a beginner. If you think you have no talent for music, this book can help prove you wrong.

This book doesn’t just focus on piano, but a wide range of music theory from piano to vocals. A beginner can become overwhelmed by music theory as it can get a little confusing after all. The Complete Idiot’s Guide will clear up this confusion for you.

It’s one of the best piano lesson books for adults. Books can only go so far though, reading is no substitute for actual hands-on playing. Here are a couple of easy warm-ups that you can do before your lessons each day.

Best Piano-Teaching Books for the Teacher

1. Hanon: Virtuoso Pianist in 60 Exercises

Hanon: Virtuoso Pianist in 60 Exercises
An older (over 100 years old!) but timeless and a best-selling piano book, Virtuoso Pianist is used by many teachers to perfect technique for their students. When a book sells over a million copies, it’s wise to consider using it for students!

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2. Piano Adventure Series

Piano Adventure Series
Teaching theory can be dry, but Piano Adventures makes the transitions sensible and understandable. The music is upbeat and fun for kids, and something piano teachers can tolerate! Piano Adventures also carries repertoire music for practice.

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3. RCM Celebration Series Piano Etudes

RCM Celebration Series Piano Etudes Level 1
Filled with materials to teach your students theory and technique and music from the Baroque era, RCM Celebration Series piano book provides an engaging learning experience. There are 10 books in the series and each contains instructions to access recording online to enhance your experience.

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4. The Music Tree Activities Book 1

The Music Tree Activities Book 1

This book provides a solid foundation to help younger students with sightreading.

5. Piano Adventures Sightreading Book Level 2A

Piano Adventures Sightreading Book Level 2A
Another Piano Adventures book focused on sightreading. Help your students study musical patterns and instill a greater understanding of the ins and outs of sightreading.

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For Warming Up


1. Preparatory Practice

This book includes sixty warm-ups to prepare you for practice. This book was composed for the young pianist.

2. A Dozen a Day

Designed to be played before practice, A Dozen a Day is a piano book for any age. A very popular piano book on the market for warming up.

3. Bastien Piano Technic Book 1

Get flexible fingers with Bastien Piano Technic books. This book has elements of theory and performance to create a robust practice session.



Technique and theory are not the only important factors when practicing piano.

Performance is just as vital!

It’s nice to take a break from theory and technique and focus on creating beautiful music, and playing songs from songbooks can help you enhance your performance.

Songbooks will vary greatly from pianist to pianist depending on their taste in music.

Here are other few according to level:


  • Alfred’s Basic Piano Classic Themes Level 5
  • Alfred’s Basic Piano Top Hits Christmas Complete Level 1 For The Late Beginner
  • Accelerated Piano Adventures For The Older Beginner Popular Repertoire Book Level 2

Early Immediate/Immediate/Advanced

  • Alfred’s Recital Book Level 3
  • Jazz, Rags, and Blues Book 2
  • FunTime Piano Favorites Level 3A-3B
  • Current Hits for Students, Book 3

Where to Find Piano Lesson Books

With so many piano lesson books to choose from how do you know the best place to buy?

If you’re feeling impatient by the slow pace of some of these books, you might be interested in some of these helpful tips for learning the piano faster.

Merriam Music carries over 3000 lesson books from popular publishers, and their library keeps growing. Their music school, Merriam Music School, also is a highly-esteemed school, featuring instructors with advanced degrees, and pairing students with their ideal teacher. They know their stuff!

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Teach Yourself Piano

Learn How to Teach Yourself Piano at Home | Easy Guide for Beginners

When you’re ready to start learning piano, you may not be ready to start taking lessons right away. Here’s how you can start to teach yourself the basics at home. Eager to start learning piano? Start right at home! Learn how to teach yourself piano with these proven tips and tricks.

With 88 keys to memorize and about 45,000 pounds of tension to deal with, playing the piano is no doubt both physical and mental work. All that hard work is worth it though, once the pianist hits those notes and produces beautiful sounds.

That’s not all that makes piano amazing though. According to a study, learning piano can help boost children’s language skills. There’s also the fact that pianists’ brains have a different (and impressive) brain capacity.

So you want to learn how to teach yourself piano, but don’t know where to start.

Fortunately, you only really need 2 things: a piano, and a willingness to learn. You can worry about things like sheet music later.

The following guide will walk you through the learning process of acquiring, familiarizing, and practicing your piano.

How To Teach Yourself Piano in 10 Steps:

Remember that learning any instrument takes a commitment to practicing regularly. So if you’re ready to learn, and committed to practicing a lot, let’s get started!

1. Get A Piano/Find Yourself a Keyboard

How to Choose a Piano or Keyboard » Buying Guide | flowkey

The obvious first step is to acquire a piano for yourself. Set a budget, do your research on different types of pianos, and look online and in your community for deals.

Some things to consider:

Many music stores rent keyboards. If you want to rent before you’re sure the piano/keyboard is right for you, this might be a good place to start.

If any of your friends or family are involved in the music world, reach out. They may know someone dying to sell an old instrument that isn’t getting used for half what it would cost coming out of a box.

If you’re unable to find a piano, a keyboard is a great alternative. They’re affordable, never go out of tune and have lots of sounds and features that can enhance your music. Not to mention, they’re a lot easier to move around and don’t take up much space. A learning keyboard is a great tool for a beginner. These specialty instruments light up in a specific order to help you learn songs more quickly. Typically, they come with books and videos that will help you learn musical notation. You can always start out on a keyboard and then upgrade to a piano.

Keyboards generally cost less than pianos do. On the plus side, keyboards never go out of tune and take up much less space than a piano will. Wherein, acoustic pianos typically range in price from $2,000 to $10,000 or more for some high-quality concert grand pianos.

2. Get Familiar with Your Instrument

Now that you have your piano or keyboard, spend some time getting familiar with it.

To accomplish this task:

Listen to your new piano. Is it in tune? You might consider having someone tune it for you for the first time. If you went with a keyboard, you can skip this step.

Learn about the keys and their names. If your piano came with a book or you chose to buy one, the keys should be in the piano book. If not, this 5-minute tutorial will walk you through an easy way to learn the keys.

Make sure you understand what proper hand posture looks like. Really listen to each of them, and note how they are different from the others. Keep practicing until you can tell the difference between them. You want to form good habits from the beginning!

3. Train Your Arms and Hands with Proper Positioning

The first step on how to teach yourself to play the piano is to ensure your arms and hands maintain the right-hand position. That’s the “C Position,” which is the natural cupped-shape they form when left hanging to your side. You will also be able to read a selection of notes from both the bass and treble clefs, and you will be able to play some simple piano chords in the left hand.

It’s the same position you need to keep when you put your arms and hands on top of the keys. While doing this, ensure your wrist and forearms remain straight.

Play five-finger patterns all over the keyboard, and in many different keys. Use a lot of black keys! First without notes to learn the geography of the keyboard, and then with notes using “landmark notes” to find your way.

It’s crucial to follow the proper hand and finger positioning since it helps prevent repetitive stress injury. Also, we understand that you’d like to learn how to learn piano fast, but know your limits and don’t over-practice.

4. Know Your Notes

Learning piano means learning a new type of language – that of music. It’s much like how you first learned the alphabet, but in this case, it’s noted that you’ll memorize. With constant practice, you’ll have these committed to memory soon enough.

A good way to start is with the Do-Re-Mi tune (yes, the one from The Sound of Music). Each of these represents a note on the piano, starting with note C. It’ll help you get the notes’ pitch while also learning which keys to press on the piano.

  • Do – Note C
  • Re – Note D
  • Mi – Note E
  • Fa – Note F
  • So – Note G
  • La – Note A
  • Ti – Note B

To locate C, look for a pair of black keys (accidentals). Right to their left is C. There are several Cs on the piano, and they’re always eight notes (octave) apart.

F is another keynote to know the placement of by heart at the beginning. It’s the key to the left of a trio of black keys.

Memorizing your Cs and Fs right away makes it easier to memorize the location of the rest of the notes.

5. Familiarize Yourself with Sharps and Flats

The black keys play either sharps (#) or flats (b). They come in either pairs or trios.

When you see a # on a piece, that means you have to play the next higher key. A b, on the other hand, means you need to play the next lower key.

To start, look at the center of the piano. Do you see that group of one pair of blacks and a group of three? That’s where you’ll find the middle C note.

As mentioned above, all Cs appear to the left of two blacks. F to the left of three blacks. So, these ones you find in the middle of your piano are the Middle C and Middle F.

When you press the black key right above and beside the Middle C note, it produces either a C sharp (C#) or a D flat (Db). The black key beside it plays the D# or Eb. As for the black key beside Middle F, it plays F# or Gb.

Do you see the pattern now? Always remember that black keys are always either sharps or flats, but white keys can also play sharps or flats.

6. Set A Practice Goal

Begin with your end goal in mind. You want to learn the piano, but what do you want to play? How long do you want it to take?

What material will you be focusing on? Is that material online or from a book you bought?

What keys or scales do you want to be able to play? What’s your favorite song that did you picture yourself playing when you first started thinking about learning how to teach yourself piano?

What will you be able to play on the piano in seven days? What about 14 or 30? You are just starting to learn how to teach yourself piano, so you probably don’t need goals beyond a month just yet. Focus on the first 30 days!

How long will you practice each day?

7. Start Practicing

The first three parts were leading to the most important step, which is this: Do you really want to learn how to teach yourself piano? Then practice, every day!

Some tips for your practice sessions:

Stick to your goal. If you need a break from the same few scales or chords, try some finger speed exercises.

Practice chords and scales. These will form the foundation of your piano playing, so be sure to do these each day. Start with the major and minor chords!

Learn the major keys. If you want to eventually play by ear and identify the sounds you make, this is important. Easy songs like “Mary Had A Little Lamb” are perfect for this!

As you start playing by ear, also begin noticing patterns. All songs are composed of musical patterns. You’ll want to start identifying and learning these patterns as you work towards your eventual goal of playing songs on the piano.

The internet can be your friend when you’re ready to learn songs. Many sites will allow you to download some of their sheet music for free!

8. Practice Your Fingers

Now that you’ve got your basics down, next is to apply them with your fingers. This way, you can train your fingers to know right away without fumbling. When you are first learning to play the piano, fingering is key. You must know where your fingers are supposed to go when you are starting to play the piano.

A good place to start is the pentascale approach. Pentascales are any scale that has five (Penta) notes. Since you already know by now where the Middle C is, you can begin your finger practice with the C Major pentascale.

To begin, put your thumb on the Middle C note, index on D, middle on E, ring on F, and a pinky on G. Those five notes make up this pentascale.

This is one of the easiest finger practicing techniques since it trains up all your fingers. Now, you want to start slowly, so apply the whole note approach (count four beats before pressing the next key). From here, you can move on to half notes and then quarter notes.

Once you feel more comfortable, you can move up the practice ladder to taking it two notes at a time. That means using two fingers since you’ll press two keys simultaneously. It’s a bit more complex, but it’ll help you prepare for more advanced pieces.

9. Get Your Timing Right

Every note has a count – the length of time you should keep it pressed. In music sheets, you’ll find three most often used, which include the following:

  • Whole notes (with four beats)
  • Half notes (with two beats)
  • Quarter notes (with one beat)

The white circles you see on a music sheet are whole notes. When you see these, it means you have to keep the note for four full beats (as in one-and-two-and-three).

Half notes are also white circles, with a stem attached to them. You hold these notes for two beats (one-and-two).

Quarter notes look much like half notes, except they have shaded circles. They represent one beat.

10. Play With Other People

After some time, it’s a good idea to find other people to practice around or with.

Ask a more experienced piano player if they want to get together and practice, or if they have any resources that helped them learn.

Once you start making progress, do mini “performances” for people, even if it’s your family. They will be able to tell you what sounds great and what could use a little tweaking.

Last, consider taking piano lessons with a piano instructor. An instructor will give you hands-on coaching, accountability for learning the instrument, and teach you how to correct pacing. Plus, if you teach yourself the basics, a piano teacher will help expedite the process to you playing some simple songs you really want to learn!

One good set that many adult beginners have used is the Alfred Self-Teaching Adult Piano Beginner’s Kit.  While you might only want to learn how to play current popular music, a piano teacher might introduce you to other genres such as classical music or jazz music.

Wrap Up

In truth, playing the piano requires only two things: having the instrument readily available to you, and dedication to the practice.

How to teach yourself piano can be summed up like this:

Begin by setting a budget and find the instrument that is right for you. Then, get familiar with your new instrument.

After you read through and watch tutorials on things scales and chords and finger posture, decide what you’d like to learn, and how quickly. Set a goal for your piano playing!

Last, start practicing — every day if you can swing it. To accelerate your learning, set a goal of playing around people after a couple of weeks. Even if it’s family, it will give you feedback on what you’ve learned and motivate you to keep working.

There are also piano courses and google resources through youtube videos and online courses that can help you to learn how to play the piano.

Want more tips for learning how to play the piano? Whether they’re for adult beginner piano learning or for your little ones, you’ll find more useful posts in our blog!

If we can help you on your journey to learning the piano, from buying a new one to working with a piano teacher, don’t hesitate to contact us. Now, start practicing!